Welcome to the eMeasures Snapshot Survey

The eMeasures Snapshot survey is currently closed. Thank you to everyone who has participated. 

Please stay tuned for future collection efforts surrounding the eMeasures Snapshot survey. 

Password reminder
Given the impact on traditional library services as a result of COVID19, it is especially important that libraries demonstrate their ongoing value and usage. Participating libraries will receive an infographic of their data and summary reports as well as an analysis of the findings as soon as they become available. 

Please note, the survey is voluntary and all questions are optional. The Every Library Institute will use the survey results to generate content for use by participants to help improve advocacy and awareness initiatives.
We are very interested in your comments, suggestions and feedback about this service; Please use this feedback form and/or respond to the feedback question included in the survey. For frequently asked questions you can visit our FAQ page, it will be updated as questions are asked.